Thursday, February 27, 2025

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After is a one on one intense merger. Within HEA is an even deeper level of compassion,love,understanding,openess and sharing, a non-critical,non-judgemental sanctuary within the sanctuary of NeoThink. We’ve come together in NeoThink as a whole, and with each mentors program, views take on a “better” clarity, beginning with our thoughts.
HEA is the sanctuary within the sanctuary, a small group of like minds sharing and growing collectively as well as separately.
Like a fine wine-blended for taste, color, flavor, and aroma, HEA is such. A fine wine of blended spirits and I-ness’ banded by unity, love and pure honesty. A beter value for the dollar will be hard to come by as is the Active Membership in NeoThink.
NeoThink/Happy Ever After and the other inner,inner circle classes,is where we the members of this mentor group-mature.
Thank you Jill Reed and John Smreck for your devotion to OUR happiness and growth. Thank you for the mentors you are and the wisdoms you share.

Gratefully Yours,
Anonymous Linda