Friday, March 7, 2025

(My Intigration)

Hello Dearest Jill Reed and John Smrek:

I was one of the fortunet ones that was able to live my romantic dreams come ture, overflowing beyond my hopes and dreams and for most of my life. I just want to let everyone know that what Jill Reed and John Smrek is talking about is absolutly true. You can find and live all your romantic dreams come true. Only if you ever get the chance to live them, you will not be able to explain all the overflowing treasures of the greatest love of all, The love you share with your spouse.

There is so much overwellming love that you and your love one are the only ones who truly knows just how great love, live and romace with your spouce can be. If you ask me, There’s nothing more special in life then to share a beautiful life with someone you love.

Are big argument was (No, your the better half) We both were sure the other was the better half. After the argument all we could do was laugh. And it was a dream come true when Susan sung to me a song that said, (Now My Dreams Will Come True) I loved to hear that song for her. Can you guess the song?

Thank you so very much Jill Reed and John Smrek. You have touch the surface of what true romantic love can be for a couple who fall in love.

Again, Jill Reed, John Smrek, dearest Mark Hamilton, Families, Brothers and Sisters, Elders and all Friends. Thanks you all so very much for your friendship and help.
Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or MarkandSusan14 or Mark Escarcega