Sunday, February 23, 2025

Visions Call Testimonial

Testimonial for the Active Member Visions Mentor program led by Jill Reed and John Smrek on Tuesdays
I am listening to this workshop for the second time through and the class is currently on vision 10. I had read the visions in the MH books several times and worked through mini-days, too. I started to use mini-days in my life from the first Heirloom, but I was not working nor did I have a business, so the mini- days were only an exercise to organize retirement activity and were leading me nowhere constructive. I knew that I needed to find my FNE and start another career, but my first career of 47 years had been a great one, gave me lots of happiness and left me with enough pension to be lazy. I could not seem to go anywhere from there for my life with this Vision material, certainly not change directions in my stagnant life.
TVP became my passion and I put all my money and energy into that. It seemed enough as it kept me very busy and happy doing something that I was passionate about, had the life skills to do and had a value that was very important to me.
Then something Jill said made me realize that I could find my FNE and go into business for myself, even at 77 years old… and if I stayed lazy and did not, I was on the path to dying and that is all that was left for me to do. So, I applied myself, re-read vision 1, did exactly as Mark writes and found my FNE. Now I am doing the power thinking to work out the details of my next life move. I will be creating events and “happenings” that other will attend and enjoy. I am also considering being a consultant for others planning events. I am excited about doing this as it is really what I have done, enjoy doing and do best, making it happen. And, it will bring me additional retirement income so I have money to play even more, have some of the material things I want… and enjoy life even more. Thank you Jill and John. Your Tuesday seminar is the best.


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