Friday, March 7, 2025

Vision 10 09/08/2011

It was a very good teaching including references to Bill Gates, the development of the computer and how the inventors of new drugs are held back.
I am coming at it from a different point of view. Mark Hamilton and Kevin Trudeau have to be given credit for getting us to use and develop our brains, using the computer as simply a tool(computers,without protection, along with cell phones are starting to cause horrendous illnesses),using organic food and natural cures where possible. Drugs should be reviewed and used not to cure or treat everything. The quality of life is going to be very important.



  1. Peter,
    You are so right about being cautious about how we use computers, phones, medicines, machines and the greatest abuse is to not use our own minds. Becoming a genius one pays more attention to damage – self or others. Surrounding yourself with geniuses we solve the many problems of today. Mark Hamilton has given us the great gift of Neothink. New thinking solves everything. We do not have to create problems where none exist and we can cure disease after disease including cellular degeneration or aging. We can remove initiatory force from our own lives first, through the Mini-Day Planner, then we get good vibes and move ahead at warp speed. Most anyone can do this to become a genius. Life is good my friend. It is pretty sad when insurance is at the top of industry… considering it exists because of value creators and producers and for no other reason. Imagine a healthy, wealthy, peaceful world because it is coming our way! Cheers!

  2. Peter Sugden says

    Dear Jill Reed,
    Thank you very much for commenting on my integrations.
    I apologize,if in my integrations, I have created problems.
    Thank you.
    Peter Sugden

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