Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tuesday Night Integrations

I enjoyed the information last night and would like to say hello to everyone as this is my first post for the Tuesday night call. My biggest integration deals with the two questions that were based on a scale of 1-10. I feel as if my current level is a 10 for wanting happiness and prosperity in this life. However, I only rate myself at an 8 or 9 for businesses that are created for wealth generation. For the most part, I agree companies strive to acquire wealth and profit, but I also believe that businesses produce products and services at the most competitive price for consumers. So for me it is a bit unclear as to what the major difference is for wealth generating principles and providing goods and services at the most competitive prices possible. This is also focused on consumers wanting your products over the competitors.



  1. Hello Dustin,
    Thank you for posting in here. It is good to have you with us on our calls. There is only one purpose of business – wealth creation, and, the only way wealth is created is by producing quality products and/or services that are priced to beat the competition but with profit so your company remains in business. When, there is an ability for individuals/companies to get political perks from politicians the other individuals/companies cannot compete — it is an unfair advantage and this does not allow for a free market-driven economy where prices drop for consumers.
    Thanks again,

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