Sunday, February 23, 2025

Snuffing Out the Flame

The Anticivilization hastens to snuff out the clear blue flame that naturally illuminates the minds of children. Children with such flames do not make good subjects for a ruling class. Such children are often warned against persisting in their *unique* behavior, lest they be at the very least discriminated against when they grow up.
Those who are dubbed *incorrigible* are
destroyed as object lessons to any others.
I know. I was so warned.



  1. IMO it is of prime importance that the use of psychological and/or physical force to compel children to conform to a pseudo-Authority’s whims (for the social good, of course) be stopped as soon as possible. Such coercion does not make Society stable and secure. On the contrary, it makes for gradual disintegration and eventual destruction.
    The ruling class does not care. It intends to remain in power as long as there are people it is able to exploit.
    It does not even care if the end *justifies* the means. To it the maintenance of power is all that matters. Their view is that those who can be ruled limitlessly deserve to be. Ruthlessness like that deserves to be banished where *weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth* will not be heard by those who remain in the light.

  2. Mark Escarcega says

    Hello dear William Eisenberg:

    A very excellent observation. Where ever we are and what ever we do, we must teach all children and influence them in the right direction at all cost. they reprsent are blessed future, and how precious they truly are to all of us. Thanks again for your Excellent Observation.
    Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark. Escarcega

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