Sunday, February 23, 2025


Jill & John, Thank You. Great presention on Vision Five.Great insights on Responsibilities and Purpose.



  1. Dustin Wirth says

    I enjoyed the information last night and would like to say hello to everyone as this is my first post for the Tuesday night call. My biggest integration deals with the two questions that were based on a scale of 1-10. I feel as if my current level is a 10 for wanting happiness and prosperity in this life. However, I only rate myself at an 8 or 9 for businesses that are created for wealth generation. For the most part, I agree companies strive to acquire wealth and profit, but I also believe that businesses produce products and services at the most competitive price for consumers. So for me it is a bit unclear as to what the major difference is for wealth generating principles and providing goods and services at the most competitive prices possible. This is also focused on consumers wanting your products over the competitors.

  2. Dustin,
    It is nice to have you on our calls. In reply to your 2 part question, I offer the following:

    With the uncertainty of taxation and regulations businesses today lack stability and must plan for that uncertainty in their profit margins. Tomorrow’s businesses will be free of this force, and, the owners will know where they stand because there won’t be a Loud Partner which can take from them without offering a known value in return. It is always the goal of a company to provide quality products and services, but, one must make enough money to provide for self and the continuance of the company. Without providing quality a company doesn’t receive repeat customers nor good word of mouth (free advertising)!

    Imagine when business leaders understand the concept of the paradigm shift in our Visions Book and turn their employees into in-house entrepreneurs building greater wealth for themselves just like the original entrepreneur must do. How stimulating for those who will have living jobs and how much better for nations!

  3. Rubel,
    It is always good to have you on our calls. I do hope you and Richard are meeting in NV! There are others nearby too. Nita, and, a few others would probably love to catch up with you! Thank you for commenting.

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