Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Breakthrough To Enlitement

mY To begin with. Miss Jill I must agree with you to be able to take time out of my busy lyfe. Set down and impregnate,or creat a project of something of worth in the mine. Next pull it out of the mine onto paper and as my blue print. Then manifest my creation into existance, yes that will bring happiness to that in-
diviual. I realize in Mark writting expierance teaches a person that what Mark prepareth is more than good enough to eat.

There is nothing to hide because he found me and he pegged me to the tee, so why deny and become the lie. Yes I smoke and know the harm that it causes to the body. THERE IS NO EXCUSES to why I smoke. I have been minilipilated since youth to believe that stress and being cool is what makes a person smoke. Come to find out through your tue, night lecture makes me think of why do I smoke. Come to find out is that I use to like it and now that I know tha truth about it. I want to stop, and believe me when I say I hate The smell afterward. Just to say you actually triggered the thinking process and that were it begin at. EVERY BIT AND PIECE HELP.

I am being prepared now to break the habbit of the A.C. while I live the C OF U in the A.C. until I evolve into the C OF U. OK! I get it


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