Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mark Escarcega 10/4/2011 (My Integration and Comment on; Big Dreams)

Hello Madam President Jill Reed and Mentor Mate John Smrek:

I have to believe that a Key to bring your big dreams about is just living them as much as possible and working them the same. Then when you fail to complete tasks because you have big dream requirements and you feel you just can’t make it anymore, just remember the great Mentors that went before us failed but never gave up. Some even failed 1,000’s of times, yet still never gave up and accomplished their goals.

Tonight’s Mentor Training was very great for us, it challenged our minds. But it also let me know that I really need to know so much yet. I was overwhelmed and I do just get so exhausted I really want to just give up. But I can’t there’s no other door. All I can say at this point is, I’m doing what I can. I believe that if we never give up we never fail, just as Michael Burns reminded me.

Thank you Dearest Madam Jill Reed and Mentor Mate John Smrek;
Mark Escarcega



  1. Mark Escarcega says

    It’s Mark Escarcega Again With A Reminder For All Of Us:

    I thought about the giving up I talked about above, When working your Goals, your neothink Goals for yourself as part of the neothink society, and you come to a point where you feel as though you hit a solid wall and want to give up because you just don’t feel you could ever break through or like it’s all over for you, I can’t make it:

    I am reminded by Mark Hamilton, that’s a good time to use power thinking, very hard thinking and find the way, create a way to break through the block wall that’s making you want to totally give up. When you have dreams you want to achieve, the most important time is when you come to that massive wall that most definitely looks feels and seems impenetrable and you feel the real pain of just giving up completely. That’s your great moment too Hard Think with everything you got, Power Think and start creating the way, Think and Think and Think, find or create the way. That’s you Calling Point to find the leverage you need to get to the next higher level of you Golden dreams come true. And remember you’re most precious Golden Dream’s are not yours alone, they become all of ours together. (Because We Love You)

    Here you have it; I’m no longer in any kind of a rut. With this note and remembering Mark Hamilton’s words did for me here is; free me again mentally to flying into unending Neothink Society Work. I am empowered again feeling like the ultimate Superman. Thank you very much, I’m so glad to be here with all of you; I have here unblocked that unblock able wall that I was facing above. Thank you so very much Mark Hamilton for the tools you have given all of us to break through unbreakable bearers.
    God-man Bless All of You. Yours Truly;
    Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

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