Sunday, February 23, 2025

A TVP Integration…

1. This is the first time in history America has voted in an african american president.

2. There are already radical groups forming such as “occupy wallstreet”, and others in my area. They are threatening “Businesses.” Business owners who’s only agenda is to produce values abd jobs for the community. Business owners who are only trying to provide the best for their children, their families, and for their “Employees.”

3. I DO NOT recommend attending their rallys. However, these fearful business owners whom they are attacking, would be glad to know someone is on their side. After the value destroyers rallys, I believe it would be our duty as “GD-men and GD-women”, to make sure business owners in the area of these rallys, receive some illuminating invitations from neothink society members. Members, who could direct them to a local clubhouse, and give them a sigh of relief in knowing the Twelve Visions Party is on their side. We are about creating values…so are they…the business owners under attack.

Just an integration/suggestion to members/clubhouse coordinators to “Reach Out!”

Much love to all


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