Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Need Help

I’m really enjoyed the program tonightand would have liked to participate more.
The only prpblem is that I cannot find the booh that has the 7 entegrations section.
I have several of the Main Books and have not nbeen able to find them.
Could you help me?
I have only been on the mentor calls for 3 weeks. I am sure that I Have all of the information, but cannot locate the Information.
Thank You very much.



  1. Alfred,
    If I was referring to the 7 Effects from success of the Twelve Visions Party you will find them at

    If I was referring to the 7 Steps of the Self Leader System you will find the summary at page 393 of Book 2, Inner-Circle Secrets.

    I am sorry to be so late replying. It is great to have you on the calls.


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