Saturday, February 22, 2025


Thanks to Jill & John for the drill down on tracking reports. With all the real world examples, I know understand better how to integrate tracking reports into my business ventures!



I enjoyed the message about value creation for a happy life

Vision 5 Miniday

First of all it was nice to meet you Jill. I have a better understanding of the miniday. I will be soon starting as a Home Mailer and have mentally planned out how I will do things but will use the three day exercise to see if I can improve on my plan. This would have been a great tool to have when I did MLM I would have gotten a lot more accomplished and could have taught this to my down line. I may get back in to MLM and this will definitely help or maybe start my own business.

Vision 5 Miniday

First of all it was nice to meet you Jill. I have a better understanding of the miniday. back when I did MLM this would have been a great tool to have had and to teach to my down line. I could have accomplish a lot more then with this system. I am going to be a home Mailer and have already planned out how I am going to do things but will use the three day observation to see if I can improve my day and accomplish more. I may get back into MLM some day and this will be a great tool to have or start a business of my own. I feel blessed to be in the Neothink Family.

12/13/16 Vision 4 Summary

Lots of Q&A and discussion tonight. Very informal. Nice mix from standard literature reads.

Good to learn of Happiness Forever Program and also the Tue (1st and 3rd) ClubHouse Call.

I had also reached out to both LA clubhouse contacts and neither is correct.

In 1980 – anti-aging was considered quackery (most things I read or have read in the past decade have been labeled quackery 🙂 – but I feel it’s changing. Collective consciousness is rising/awakening.

Reminder of 3 steps:
depoli. civilization
replace burden with exhil
remove 1 and 2 – stop cellular degen.

2 fundamental concepts to leap to value creator
1. find your FNE – the business system is the path to creativity
2). supersociety – happens naturally as geniuses rise

staying connected to calls/ community and going through the SLS will help release suppressed emotions. bring out joy and appreciation for life

Performance pay removes a lot of overhead and risk (investors money)

10 seconds miracles are tied to numbers (I’m not there yet).

Misposted 12/6 to 12/15 Vision 4

I think I posted this to Monday 12/5 call…. just in case.. here it is again…..

So much information in 4! (notes from heirloom 2)

to stop aging is to achieve bio-immortality

3 part (cause and effect) process to achieve
1). depoliticize civilization – by removing regulation and allowing for the leap from bicameral mentality to NeoThink!

2). replace burden of life with exhilaration of life by FNE – find your joy in life! do it! become a value creator

3). cure cellular degeneration (easy part!) – achieve parts 1 and 2

bicameral man – no inner mind space. only reacted to external stimli, no choice, no decision making – or judgement, etc. —- trance-like automatons

guided by nervous system in form of neurological impulses from rigth to left chamber as audio hallucinations (voices of gods)

right chamber absorbs and absorbs and absorbs information nonstop

left brain one day “sees” a picture or puzzle and goes AHA! – usually only under stress when forced to make a decision

the metaphor and spoken language allowed for this man made evolvement (not nature driven)

Jesus was conscious! brought new mind space to the peasant – the kingdom of God is within you (i.e. your brain/consciousness)

Jesus united man and god —ONE

Pharisees/ruling class divided by creating the Church who alone could communicate with God – thus separation into the dark ages

religions/theocracies – mutation of bicameral mentality – external authorities – modern governments

A conscious mind should guide itself!

supersocity shall deprogram bicameral programming (of becoming a self-leader)

NEOTHINK – man-controlled mentality

(notes from call)

integrate all 12 visions to release the self leader!

mysticism and BOL hold most people back

re-summary of 3 methods to achieve:

1) political
Bicameral –> limited, competitive

NEOTHINK –> UNlimited, CREATIVE! 🙂 hoot hoot!

2). psychological
burden/of/life…LEAP…> EXHILARATION
(val producer) (value creator)

3) cause and effect! clear 1 and 2

Help build the future! become the person you were meant to be (PYWMTB!)

VISION overviews covered

touched on NAPL – pipeline protects and the lengths peoples are willing to go to for a cause – inspirational, they were willing to self destruct (subzero temps, water cannons)

END the rule of Man (ROM) to LAUNCH Wealth of Mankind (WOM)

find your external authorities and eradicate them!

Lively Call!

Jill and John from Arizona led a great call! So different from Monday’s batch call. I really appreciated their personal take on it. I could tell they invested time and effort into presenting. value! I had read vision 3 and taken notes as part of level 1 homework so it was good repetition. We must release the creative self-leader! Nullify the negatives! That was a new phrase I had never heard before, attributed to Dr. Wallace. Negatives are fear, doubt and so on. It’s basically saying have faith and go for it! Take action. Very reminiscent of 12 step – contrary action –> move your feet to take action, even contrary thought—> stay in faith! trust in the process and that the path will unfold. I heard of the 2 sunday meetings…church! I hope to make it.

More personal takes on the writings- you are unique! Command your power! 12 step is also all about believing in a higher power and then developing a relationship with it. Funnily, my reading today in the big book touched on these themes. It constantly reminds the alcoholic to “ask God” for answers, direction, insight, which I realize are important to alcoholics because at first we lack confidence in our decision since we made so many bad ones. But!… the willingness to ask, reminded me of the willingness to take action in thinking! to force oneself to power think (and do those 6 or so methods MH described while revising his number sheets in the car through the desert). The writing mentioned all the “lost” energy and time spent foolishly and made me think of the efficiency that I am learning in the Neo Literature. So much harmony and alignment.

Very interestingly, I have often felt as an addict/alcoholic that I was extra special and feel very lucky, even gifted to be able to work a program of rigorous honesty and that great things are coming and those in AA have great power to influence society by example. I heard others say that a lot too. After reading the 3 heirlooms I wonder if the rise in alcoholism /addiction is the modern day shift in consciousness – much like when bicameral man shifted. A calling to finda new way, an honest way because we are so sensitive. Very interesting.

3 externals to dump 1) political 2). religious 3) business –> super civilization will out stimulate these 3 and pull over over the forces of nature ahead!

I love the focus on love and compassion

creation replaces destruction

power of choice!

good history lesson: Aristotle (Plato’s student) observced Plato’s theory was wrong –> man hadn’t self-destructed –> so there must be another theory — man is the ultimate value creator!

The power of one! each one of us! it is our duty to life to begin creating where we are at -that brings us into harmony with the universe

fully integrated honesty, self responsibility and pure love will fill our existance forever. nice!

the self leader exists in us all. we must just take action to bring him/her out. (using the tools we’re given/reading)

POL (purpose of living) to be happy and prosper

and the 12 visions (by integrating them) it opens the doors to the vision climax (the SLS -self leader system). It’s a design for living! – like 12 step. In my level 1 integration I wrote I didn’t know what the vision climax was. now i know!


Lively Call!

Jill and John from Arizona led a great call! So different from Monday’s batch call. I really appreciated their personal take on it. I could tell they invested time and effort into presenting. value! I had read vision 3 and taken notes as part of level 1 homework so it was good repetition. We must release the creative self-leader! Nullify the negatives! That was a new phrase I had never heard before, attributed to Dr. Wallace. Negatives are fear, doubt and so on. It’s basically saying have faith and go for it! Take action. Very reminiscent of 12 step – contrary action –> move your feet to take action, even contrary thought—> stay in faith! trust in the process and that the path will unfold. I heard of the 2 sunday meetings…church! I hope to make it.

More personal takes on the writings- you are unique! Command your power! 12 step is also all about believing in a higher power and then developing a relationship with it. Funnily, my reading today in the big book touched on these themes. It constantly reminds the alcoholic to “ask God” for answers, direction, insight, which I realize are important to alcoholics because at first we lack confidence in our decision since we made so many bad ones. But!… the willingness to ask, reminded me of the willingness to take action in thinking! to force oneself to power think (and do those 6 or so methods MH described while revising his number sheets in the car through the desert). The writing mentioned all the “lost” energy and time spent foolishly and made me think of the efficiency that I am learning in the Neo Literature. So much harmony and alignment.

Very interestingly, I have often felt as an addict/alcoholic that I was extra special and feel very lucky, even gifted to be able to work a program of rigorous honesty and that great things are coming and those in AA have great power to influence society by example. I heard others say that a lot too. After reading the 3 heirlooms I wonder if the rise in alcoholism /addiction is the modern day shift in consciousness – much like when bicameral man shifted. A calling to finda new way, an honest way because we are so sensitive. Very interesting.

3 externals to dump 1) political 2). religious 3) business –> super civilization will out stimulate these 3 and pull over over the forces of nature ahead!

I love the focus on love and compassion

creation replaces destruction

power of choice!

good history lesson: Aristotle (Plato’s student) observced Plato’s theory was wrong –> man hadn’t self-destructed –> so there must be another theory — man is the ultimate value creator!

The power of one! each one of us! it is our duty to life to begin creating where we are at -that brings us into harmony with the universe

fully integrated honesty, self responsibility and pure love will fill our existance forever. nice!

the self leader exists in us all. we must just take action to bring him/her out. (using the tools we’re given/reading)

POL (purpose of living) to be happy and prosper

and the 12 visions (by integrating them) it opens the doors to the vision climax (the SLS -self leader system). It’s a design for living! – like 12 step. In my level 1 integration I wrote I didn’t know what the vision climax was. now i know!


Universal Insight

I hope to join in tonight, but if I miss out I just wanted to say that I have been having Universal insights (dreams) since I was a teenager, some help me, others mean nothing… just dreams as one will say, but I did see my oldest son being born before I was ever married or even thinking of having a child, I saw a blonde hair blue eye baby, and that is what I have now, only he’s just turned 30 in March. A few nights ago, someone was speaking with me in my dream, I didn’t see them, but I ask why does that van have two strips of tape around it, they said because it is a bomb van… then they said come on, we were then flying and I was looking out over the city and was seeing (big) new homes, like the neighborhoods where the (huge) type houses are, and I saw people with machine guns and they were killing people while they were fleeing from their homes, I seen them laying face down on the ground say some 200 feet from their big homes…. this insight makes me think for sure. Maybe nothing to it, but who knows. I think I have these dreams for a reason, and just wanted to pass this one along. Please keep in mind, I am looking forward to the C of U, and am a nurse… looking for cures. I have been doing some research, and I found one study where Coconut Oil (taking 2 tablespoons daily) over the course of 3 months actually got rid of the plaques that cause dementia (the plaques form in the brain) from this man who (had) dementia and Alzheimers and this man no longer displays any sign or symptom of this disease, because he took 2 tablespoons daily of the Coconut Oil… anyway, I also am hearing Tumeric is a spice that is good for the intestine, and drinking Green Tea with Ginger and Lemon in it on a daily basis is good as well to keep us from getting Cancer and I have a lot more to talk about but have to go for now…. hope everyone enjoys my insights.

interesting discussions

very interesting discussions going on in the meetings Mondays I had a big problem half way through it stopped and started again I’ve been listening in on the web it would just keep looping Tuesday night near the end the sound just faded away and I couldn’t find it again i’m gonna keep trying to stay here nightly good stuff PKM