Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hello All, It’s Mark Escarcega, Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry or Perfect, I Hope You All Enjoy The Weather Today. (My Intergrations and Comments For All Of You.)

Hello Dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett, All Families, Friends And Are Dear Pets:

Just want to say, that over the many centuries, due to man’s unconscious state, this has been the cause of our Ageing. It’s really none of our fault or all or are fault, that doesn’t matter at this point. I really believe that we are not living long lives because we have been continuously fouling up or atmosphere and are environment on Earth.

So, we all, Politicians and none Politicians, and all peoples on this Earth that can help, we all need to focus a major part of our attention on fixing the problems. There are right ways to fix things and there are wrong ways to fix things, we all have to work together to fix things the right way. And there is not just one way to do it. There is multiple ways to support each other and get things fixed right.

We may live hundreds of years longer just be cleaning our environment and atmosphere. (I really believe we can,) but it will take all of us working together for solutions and creative inventions to fix all the problems right. For instance, we can take all those dirty toxins and nuclear waste products, create a sturdy space ship and continually send all that waste to It’s total end, by sending it past Pluto and destroying it permanently. That’s something we can all do.

If we plan to live longer, this should be a main part of all of our focus and attention. To let you all know, I’m doing something every day to get this ball rolling right. Every day that I catch the buses, I pick up the totally used up cigarette buts and any trash I can from the gutter and surrounding bus stop area and put it in the trash where it belongs. (It’s all right that I do that. The Bus companies want the help.)

Then all those wonderful people who want to take about what I’m doing, I let them know my thought about sending the toxins out of here past Pluto where they can be completely destroyed. Just to let you know, people love to talk about these things and it seems they can’t thank me enough for what I’m doing. Heck, I just love to hear their grateful responses.

Well, you all enjoy the beautiful day if you can, I hope so. We love you all so very much and all God-man Speed and Action to all of you, as we blast into the future together with Strength, Love, Live, Peace, Happiness and Life Eternal,
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

About Socrates

I found something in the second heirloom page 825 Raising Geniuses in Five Minutes A Day. Second paragraph lines 5 & 6.
Reads Plato was tutored by Socrates.
It is funny that lines 1 to 4 reads the most brilliant people of the distant past such as Plato,Aristotle,Alexander the Great in Golden Greece and later great Renaissance such as da Vinci and Michelangelo. And Socrates is considered just a tutor

Mark Escarcega, Hello Dear Friends: (My Comments-Integrations Thank’s)

Hello friends:

All I can say in my grueling burnt out state is:
Let’s put one foot in front of the other and keep going and work with all America. To build a safe and beautiful world for all of us, under God as it started out to be and as it grew too the Strongest Nation on earth for God sake and ours and as it can be the leading Edge for All The World, as it works to become for a most beautiful and safe world for all humanity and civilization, an advancing civilization on earth.

Good Night Dear Friends From:
Mark Escarcega

Mark Escarcega, (My Comments for Steve Repella and Tonights Meeting)

Hello Dearest Madom President Jill Reed and John Smerk, Families and all Friends and are pets.

First I’ll say, that Steve Repella, was so much help yesterday, that yesterdy’s meeting alone should have gotten all of us on are feet enought too stay standing all the rest of the way. He gave us the insight’s to stand on our feet as all, Supper Giant Heros; At least that’s what he did for me.

All I can say about Steve Repellas integrations for us is:
From his talk, I should be able to stand on my feet and stay on my feet, allowing no more evil too knock me down until I finish out my life’s work on this earth. So I’ll let you all know I’m going too meditate, and get in prived prayer to my God-man, so to stay on my feet in ways that Steve Repella suggests.

He is a God sent for all of us. However his words spoke to your hearts and minds too stand for love, life, peace, happiness and life eternal, use it. For Steve Repella knows how to get us where we want to be. Steve Repella thank you we love you, for leading us into the future into the direction of the C. Of U. world. God-man speed to you in all that you do, we thank you.

Madom President Jill Reed and John Smerk, Thank you so very much for leading us and guiding us where we need to be and makeing the path we take easyer and much more clearer for us to fallow. May your God-man bless you with all speed and ajility as we all move forward together. May peace, love and happiness keep you always; God-man’s best to you.

From Yours truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega or Mr. Mark Escarcega


Jill, John thanks from the core of my heart.

Mark E. My Integration ( To Jill Reed and John Smrek – TVP.)

Hello Dearest Mark Hamilton, Madom Presedent Jill Reed and John Smrek – TVP, Families all Friends and are Pets:

Jut want to let you know, The real fight is for us just to trust and keep going forward with all speed and action for conscious life for one and for all.
Money and politics is not the main problem. The main problem is pure Evil, Mostly Greed and Envie, but all the other Evils also. Mans inability to turn from evil to what is good or the God-man within us, the Conscious Man.

I remember hearing Mark Hamilton’s great grandfather was brought down from a pure evil attact, I thing it was Mark’s great grandfather, may be it was another. My dearest Beloved Susan was brought down and murdered also from a pure Evil attack, that a few others just fell into participation with, like dominoes, seemingly very good people did this. Evil just latched on too them like no tomorrow, because in the anti-civilization, they have no back bone for honesty and good orthe power of God-Man within, as we do. (Because of this, Consciously speaking, we are not the victoms. The victoms are the Evils ones, because they lose what life is really about in every way and in every sence of the word.)

Dearest loved ones, Evil is Everywhere, not just in politics and greed for money and envy, That’s just much more obious, but It’s just as evil everywhere without limits, except for Conscious intellegence which distroys all evil permenently.
Are main focus should be on service, peace, love and respect for one and for all who are using Conscious control, in all ways.

We have too pull all Evil powers away from man infected with the a pure Evil Mind of Mistisisem and Bicameral unconsciousness, but the main focus is on that Pure evil that is everywhere.
Everywhere on this Earth we have to teach conscious control and cut off all unconciouse bicamerial tendencies of pure Evil, no matter where it come from, it grows.

So everywhere, we have to knock it back in man without trying to murder for murder, murder for money or power or any other evil way back, no murderous attacks back. We only Save, Serve, Heal And Protect Conscious Live. And Yes, we have the right to what we would consider Heaven on Earth in all it’s Way and Glory, so we don’t have to sale are selves short for anything.

We don’t have to worry about those murders, we know them and we will give of our lives to make sure they take responsibility for the evil they have caused. Are most preciouse loved ones that have passed on, are with us always, They will help us finish are work from the Conscious Cosmos. No inside attack on our team members that can’t preforme to prefection.

We are here to love and protect all of are people as we grow into the conscious world together. And if we have too, we will carry our brothers, sisters and all our families, and Friends even our pets, who support the C. of U., even though thy can’t performe at a high level, we will carry them to the top with all of us, because they are living to give all of us strength.

Now Dearest Mark Hamilton, President Jill Reed, John Smrek, Familise all Friends and are Pest:
We love you and thank you so very much for all are efforts, we are growing and growing how fantastic for sure. Let me now due something for you my dear familiy: I can’t help this but not too worrie, I stand strong with my beloved Susan: Now at this moment I just want to do this while I’m with you here.

That is: Scream out with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and say, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Susan my love, I love you so very much my dearest, I just want too reminder you, I will keep my promise to you my darling Susan dearest. And honey, with my hand tightly holding your’s, I love you honey, so very much and am with you always.

Just needed to release some of my love to Susan in the Conscious Cosmos. I want her to know that our love never dies, it just keeps growing, even though Susan already knows this. I thought I better let all of you in on us also. I just needed your shoulder, to let Susan know I love her as always and always will. Thank you so very much.

Yours Truly:
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusn Escarcega Strain or Mark Escarcega

Envisioning the TVP

The Vision of the TVP electing a President who can end the machinations of the ruling class and establish a protection only government to usher in the Civilization of the Universe is one we all need to keep in mind as 2012 gets nearer and nearer. We must not let anything distract us from working toward that goal. Our future happiness depends on it.

TVP to the Rescue

Since existing political parties seem rather like the Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat in the nursery rhyme, the TVP is the only remaining way to resolve such a situation and create a protection-only government which will introduce us all to the Civilization of the Universe.

can not wait for TVP

I am yearning for the TVP is going to bring so much joy it makes me fill so happy that is around the corner,is so close i can taste it is making my mouth watery,we are fortunate people to be living in this time,lets rejoyce lets make it happen. Sensational reading Jill & John i felt it in my marrow.PEACE.

My Integration (TVP. To The C. of U. World)

Hello dearest Mark Hamilton, Jill Reed and John Smrek, All are Loved Ones, are Families, All friends and all our pets:

This is Mark Escarcega again, (8/22/2011). The one and most Important tool that we have right not and always, is our conscious creative minds. Because we can do anything with our imaginations. (Please always remember: THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO THE CONSCIOUS WORLD OF THE C. OF U.) This being so, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE TO US WHO USE CONSCIOUS INTELLIGENCE THINKING. IN OTHER WORDS ALL IS POSSIBLE TO US.

With this fact of conscious inteligence in our own being and minds, Lets put ourselves in the realm of the C. of U. thinking and rid ourselves of any Bicameral risidual thinking, just long enough to invision our highest Goals and dream now. Then, lets know them and live them every day of our lives, Knowing that everything outside of our highest Goals and dreams that would cause us harm or take love and life from us, is not a reality.

Then Jill R. and John S., we don’t have unhappiness, or any short comings, just no problems at all. All the rest of the anti-civilization around us has no life, not even the part of us that dose not conform to our highest dreams and desires. (There we are, that’s all of us in the C. of U. now.) It is most important for us all to live in this realm now and always. (And let us consider it for all of us even from the beginning.)

We will do what is necessary for us to do on this planet now, to live our Escence together, and everything ouside of that around us is just zero with no life or bearing too it. We should all know this and believe it as we continue to creat ourselves into the C. of U. and continually forsake an evil world around us. (Meaning live as we were created to live)

If we have anything to do with another world, like living to bother it as it tries to bother us, that’s the other world were going to get back. Let’s just live and rid ourselves of a problemed world, without mentally or physically supporting it.

With Love, We love and appreciate you and all of us together. Thank you so ver much again for your Mentor Training for us this evening. Again we love you.
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega