Saturday, February 22, 2025

level one member

I thank you very much , I am far behind, hope I hope I could make to the meeting next .
I was lost I find the website. Sorry…

I need some help to show me around the web site.

Thank you very much,

Vision 12 Advice

HI, I am a 54 yr old man. I have a 12 year old daughter and the two of us love each other very much. Problem is that I am divorced and she lives with her Mom (Which I have a good relationship with) in PA. I live in CA. I quit the corporate world to start up my own company in the hopes of obtaining the resources ($) to see her more often. but the going is slow. I feel sad that I am not allowed enough PLAY time with my daughter because I can only afford to fly out and see her a few days every 3 months. We call and text regularly but I can’t SEE her grow up. Any suggestions until I gain the wealth to visit her, ideally getting a second home in PA to support my East Coast clients?

Inter-Circle Secerts, Batch 25 Neothink Manuscript II

Thanks Jill and John for the integrations of the company-without a-company with a company works for all Neothink Business, Big and Small.

It a real blue print for any NeoThink company from start up to Mini-Empires

Prime Law pg 387 to 396

millionaire like Prosperity for al the people including the poor The Prime Law,

Tuesday Night “Vision meeting8/21/2019

Great call

uesday Night “Vision meeting 8/1421/18

great call John and Jill. I enjoyed the call and learned a Lot.

Tuesday Night “Vision meeting 8/14/18

Great call Jill and John. Why and how do we get crime prevention before the crime being committed? What happen to Tesla patients for capturing electrical power from the Sun? Why is 99% of prisoners claiming they are Not Guilty? I know the prime law is the answer but what do we do until this is put in the constitution? From Experience( I work as a correctional Officer at Louisiana state Prison for 16 years) I know that what the prisoners will tell you and you don’t have to ask them.

Tuesday Night “Vision meeting

GREAT CALL Jill and John., Back in 1943 my Dad supported us with a social security check of $250. Of cource we grew our on veg. and cattle and we had a milk cow and chickens also horses. They went to Baton Rouge Louisiana and once a month and bought $ 20 of grocery and we survived ( that was 5 people ,dad mom me and two sister. WE did not have running water, indoor bathroom or electricity, fans, radio,telephone or tv. Mom cook on a wood stove and we had fireplaces in bedroom for heat in winter. We finally got electricity in 1948. today I get around $2300 retirement and live pay to paycheck. I retired From La, Dept. of Correction in 2007.

Tuesday Night “Vision meeting

Great call Jill and John
REady for all to become a Reality.

12 vision world

great meeting and discussion on the TVP also.Jill and John you did a great Job tonight.