Sunday, March 9, 2025

Thank you.

Hello Jill ad John! I was in on the beginning of the call and sorry that I did not have a phone to know about the work shop call witch I would have proudly attended. From listening to the few ppl that spoke tonight about the workshop call,it seemed to me that the call was teaching everyone to be their own force of nature that make life work in the way witch make them the happiest, by finding their [F.N.E.] and flowing down stream with focus not to shift or, strattle and finding the Goddly person [The Creator] within that bring forth new creation that value in society, that will make peoples eyes smile even the creator will feel the joy of making someone else happy. Jill from the surrounding that i am now in, you are one of the secrete that is to save humanity or the ones that want to be saved and, so we are teached to do the same. Thank you all. Kevin

Genius Minds

I was so proud of those who spoke during our Visions Quest 12 Journey tonight. I could tell that you are integrating with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Materials and are spotting when an illusion is trapping you. I know others don’t speak up, but, they are also becoming more integrated thinkers seeing life differently. Together we can make a world of more rather than settle for less. I am proud of each of you within The Neothink Mentor Program for the confidence you have in yourselves to make this happen.



For some reason I thought that this was one of your better lessons. You and John work very well together. Every time you do each vision it comes across so much clearer, thank you.

My score

These Tuesdays calls are so stimulating to me. I felt so good about my self when I listen and looked at my score. I thought about the things I had discovered about myself and the things that make me FEEL good. Thank you for the Tuesdays calls.

Thank you

Thank you Neothink

11/20/12 Content – Visions Quest 12 Journey

This week we will wrap-up U2U as we take You of Today, to the exciting You of Tomorrow! We will complete our discussion of Visions 1 and 2.

Did you complete your Evenings and Weekend Chart. The more boring it is the better! There is room for improvement. Were you doing alot of things someone else wanted you to do? Great, then, you can stop doing so much for them and do a few nice things for yourself. Did you watch too much television? Good, pick up a good book or a project.

Many of us discovered that we have been doing too much to please others which means we aren’t living authentically. How much can they do for themselves?

Taking U2U is what matters to John Smrek and myself, Jill Reed as your mentors on this Visions Quest 12 Journey with you.


Jill and John did an excellent job presenting Mark Hamilton’s literature. When you give someone a steak you don’t put it on a garabage lid. You put it on a beautiful plate and put it on a wonderful decorated table. Then the steak is very enjoyable. This is what Jill and John did Tuesday night. They made Mark Hamilton’s literature very enjoyable. I enjoyed listening to the recording. And congraduations on a record night on the numbers of people who called in to listen.


Jill, I am very touched by Tuesday’s call. You are a wonderful Mentor.

Jill Reed

I do not see eye to eye with you but i will give you this you are a Great teacher and thank you for that

12 Visions

I have the heirloom produced in 2007.
I try to follow the reading and it seems to be different. Is there a new revision that is different?
I cannot seem to follow along with the program as the reading does not correspond to my copy of the heirloom.