Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tuesday Night Integrations

I enjoyed the information last night and would like to say hello to everyone as this is my first post for the Tuesday night call. My biggest integration deals with the two questions that were based on a scale of 1-10. I feel as if my current level is a 10 for wanting happiness and prosperity in this life. However, I only rate myself at an 8 or 9 for businesses that are created for wealth generation. For the most part, I agree companies strive to acquire wealth and profit, but I also believe that businesses produce products and services at the most competitive price for consumers. So for me it is a bit unclear as to what the major difference is for wealth generating principles and providing goods and services at the most competitive prices possible. This is also focused on consumers wanting your products over the competitors.

Thank You

Thank You Jill and John Once again you did a great job with your presentation from the Visions of Mark Hamilton. I appreciate your efforts that has helped me integrate with the Neothink information.

The call that gives me hope

Frist time ever Tuesday night is the night of Hope night and i can say that for my self so thank you

The Job of Your Dreams!

You won’t become a “dream doer” if you stay trapped in the specialized work structure of today. Come join us to learn what the next evolutionary leap is in this Visions Quest 12 Journey with John Smrek and me as we share Vision 5 from Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Book Volume 2. See you soon!!!


Jill & John, Thank You. Great presention on Vision Five.Great insights on Responsibilities and Purpose.

Thank you

Frist time i can say that tuesday night is hope night

Finding fulfillmet

Jon always puts so much into these calls with Jill.Jill is a born Leader!Sometimes it’s hard to envision 12 Visions in the only so called Civilization of human history.You’ll forgive me for being a little skeptical still;thanks to Ayn Rand & my buddy Osho.:)It’s hard to build a house without a blueprint,or a home without a dream.My fellow friend in the Society Freddy who passed earlier this month was a happy young 63 year old.So I can say I’d like to stop disease and aging too.The band of family who where brought to these calls is an unusual happening in the history of existence itself,this group is really a “school of geniuses”I value Jill’s free wheeling attitude.
Jon is always a great gentleman.Thanks.


The Tuesday call was more nuggets than I would have ever dreamt. The way Jill and John brought out the true honest of essence. What it means to be a part of the Twelve Visions Party and to believe we are moving forward, and we are. Our Super Puzzle Picture is coming together and I cherish all of you. Working at anything I can help bring this Twelve Vision Party about. Not only my personal need to bring loved ones out of that AC world and into a World of Honest Value Creation of Man Kind. The stress I feel of late is due to the mistakes of getting so excited about living a life with the Prime Law in my whole being, that I can’t focus on nothing more serious than that coming to surface. The knowledge of these Mentor calls are so valuable I feel the love and share the passion of Mark Hamilton. With all the Respect of my being I honestly love you all, and kiss the ground you neothink mentor’s walk on, for it is nothing but spectacular, I will listen to this again and again. Our Journey is never difficult when we can bring us together for all man kind. Love you all, Nita

Powerful call tonight

Jill and John did an amzing call tongiht with a presentation that stimulated me to work harder to bring my FNE alive and increase my creativity with what skill and interetss I know I have. THe case was made that we must if we want to see biological immortality in my lifetime and I do. Thank you Johm and Jill.

Tue 3.12.13 – Oh Those Forces of Nature – They Age Us!

The information we will share on Tuesday 3.12.13 from Vision 4, within, The Neothink Visions Book may surprise you. Had you given consideration to how the Forces of Nature age you? They do! That’s not right. We each need to be aware of them in our lives so that we live longer, healthier lives. Your love life can benefit too. Be sure to listen in! See you there!