Sunday, March 9, 2025

12 Visions

As I was listening to the tenth vision, it made me sad to think of all the diseases and deaths and health problems that could have already been cured. It is a shame that we as people have had to endure this as a direct result of the politicians. This only makes it more important to change politics as usual. I have not really been involved in politics because it has been politics as usual. It cannot be allowed to keep going this way.

James J. Hill

Having already read this two or three times, I remember a lot of it. I am going to reread it. This happened in 1936 as was stated on the call. The government was only starting to wreak their havoc on society’s market businessmen. Today, we aren’t even able to compete in the international market. Our country went from being such a great country to the shameful disgrace that the government and politicans have made with all their laws and regulations. This country can be great again with the TVP and The Neothink Society. It really is our only hope in today’s world. We can no longer sit and do nothing. Our country’s survival is on the line. I am fortunate to be a part of this society and have grown as much as I have. My part as well as everyone’s parts will make the difference. I am grateful for the opportunity.

I see people starting to wake up.

It’s great to have a place to hang out and be with like minded individuals who are caring compassionate and understanding to one another. A place where we are working together to build a big super puzzle! It’s a beautiful thing when your living in the civilization of the universe.

I can’t get enough of Neothink Tuesday’s

I love being here with my Neothink friends who always make me feel at home. I feel like I have a role to play on these calls. Thanks for being here for us and our civilization.

Warm Regards.


Integrate all the countless percepts into powerful timeless concepts and explode your knowledge onto the world to create a picture never seen by anyone!! Knowledge is Power when it’s applied right! Peace,
T $$


How to a take precepts and form them into concepts that help me to build my superpuzzle?

Best place to be on a tuesday night.

I enjoyed tonights Visions call. I had trouble accessing the call by phone,but I was able to listen to the live stream online. Jill and John did a great job!we are fortunate to have them as mentors,to help us to move forward in our evolution into the person we were meant to be.

Where would I be if it wasn’t for Neothink

I don’t know where I would be today if i didn’t learn to be an integrated thinker by dumping my personal mysticism. I have spent many years studying and understanding, applying neothink through DTC. I feel invincible with all of this knowledge at work for me. I find it hard to loose in anything I take on. I could see the future and pill it in. I have the ability too move up in the company that I work for but instead I choose to build my own business through Integrated thinking. I know all the power lies within me to create what ever life I wish for myself. And I could find my ideal lady to celebrate with and exchange values.


Vision Nine. Thank you Jill & John. It was a great presention. What enlighten was the process of becoming creative. By integrating percepts, then to itegrating concepts,then to making breakthroughs by puzzle pictures, then by integrating tasks & responsibilities, then by power thinking and study of numbers,then completing the success puzzles,= Creative Results.

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After is a one on one intense merger. Within HEA is an even deeper level of compassion,love,understanding,openess and sharing, a non-critical,non-judgemental sanctuary within the sanctuary of NeoThink. We’ve come together in NeoThink as a whole, and with each mentors program, views take on a “better” clarity, beginning with our thoughts.
HEA is the sanctuary within the sanctuary, a small group of like minds sharing and growing collectively as well as separately.
Like a fine wine-blended for taste, color, flavor, and aroma, HEA is such. A fine wine of blended spirits and I-ness’ banded by unity, love and pure honesty. A beter value for the dollar will be hard to come by as is the Active Membership in NeoThink.
NeoThink/Happy Ever After and the other inner,inner circle classes,is where we the members of this mentor group-mature.
Thank you Jill Reed and John Smreck for your devotion to OUR happiness and growth. Thank you for the mentors you are and the wisdoms you share.

Gratefully Yours,
Anonymous Linda