Sunday, March 9, 2025

Visions Call

The 12 Visions is very important. These visions show how we can truly live and be happy. We have to be able to see this future and want it to be real. We can never stop trying and believing in what we can and will achieve. I can no longer accept what I am told and find a better way. I can honestly see that the future will be a better place for all of us.

School of Geniuses

I realized tonight that I am having a hard time getting past the resistance that I now have. When I was younger, this was not a problem. I am not even sure when it happened. Now that I am aware of it, I will have to be careful of it.

School of Geniuses

While listening to the School of Geniuses, I realized that my fear of failure is not just mine. I am now aware just how strong the resistance really is. Now that I am conscious of this, I will be able to monitor myself. There are many opportunities for all of us. We just need to get past the resistance, then we can succeed.

Visions Call

Tonight’s call as usual was good. I realize that I have something that I do need to deal with now. I do have fears about not succeeding. I realize that this comes from a fear from my childhood. I also realize that this particular fear is now getting in the way of living my life. I find myself having to face my issues and go from there. This is better than any therapy that I could find.

School of Geniuses

I would like to thank the speakers for all the useful information that I learn every time that I listen to. I have to admit that I really am finding myself questioning my life and my actions. My consciousness is making me rethink everything in my life. Thank you for that.

Good call!

I love this call.
I was having supper with a woman friend and I was telling her about the call and she asked what it was about and I said…

John and Jill went up the hill on a quest for visions.
John and Jill ran down the hill with the fruits of their missions.
They laughed and laughed as they made their decisions, laughing oh so hearty.
And then they settled in to celebrate by having the Twelve Visions Party.

She said it sounded childish.
And I said yeah…of the past!!

Thanks for finding me and now I AM back quiet.

Eleventh Vision

As I was listening to the call, I realized just how much the geniuses are being held down by the government. How all of us have to suffer for their personal gain. It it time for people to respond to this situation. As more and more people are beginning to realize the problems that the government is creating are so unnecessary. Again, thank you for this opportunity to be in the Society so that I can be a part of what will make the difference. I am becoming aware that the struggles we suffer today can be addressed and will be by the Society.

Eleventh Vision

The Eleventh Vision shows us how we can really live in the future. It gives us hope to continue to work for a better world. It is important for me to go beyond what I know and keep reaching for more.

Visions Call Testimonial

Testimonial for the Active Member Visions Mentor program led by Jill Reed and John Smrek on Tuesdays
I am listening to this workshop for the second time through and the class is currently on vision 10. I had read the visions in the MH books several times and worked through mini-days, too. I started to use mini-days in my life from the first Heirloom, but I was not working nor did I have a business, so the mini- days were only an exercise to organize retirement activity and were leading me nowhere constructive. I knew that I needed to find my FNE and start another career, but my first career of 47 years had been a great one, gave me lots of happiness and left me with enough pension to be lazy. I could not seem to go anywhere from there for my life with this Vision material, certainly not change directions in my stagnant life.
TVP became my passion and I put all my money and energy into that. It seemed enough as it kept me very busy and happy doing something that I was passionate about, had the life skills to do and had a value that was very important to me.
Then something Jill said made me realize that I could find my FNE and go into business for myself, even at 77 years old… and if I stayed lazy and did not, I was on the path to dying and that is all that was left for me to do. So, I applied myself, re-read vision 1, did exactly as Mark writes and found my FNE. Now I am doing the power thinking to work out the details of my next life move. I will be creating events and “happenings” that other will attend and enjoy. I am also considering being a consultant for others planning events. I am excited about doing this as it is really what I have done, enjoy doing and do best, making it happen. And, it will bring me additional retirement income so I have money to play even more, have some of the material things I want… and enjoy life even more. Thank you Jill and John. Your Tuesday seminar is the best.

School of Geniuses

This was my first time listening to the School of Geniuses. I know that I have a lot of work to do. I was not aware of how layback I had become. By listening to these calls, I realize now why I was not happy. I really am starting to feel a difference in my life. I do look forward to each day and I know that I have so much to do. I am growing and I will continue to grow as long as I want it to happen.