Sunday, March 9, 2025

Visions 12 Call

This call is good for me as I started on the calls in September. Now, to be able to begin again on the call is very good reinforcement. Knowledge is power and the action is where it really starts. I finally feel that I am not stuck in that stagnation trap. I grew in a very negative environment and nothing good was acknowledged. This Society does acknowledge the good and lives in the present and helps us all to grow.

School of Geniuses

Tonight’s call is very informative. It talked about how the world has changed so much for the worst. The ones to change the world are right here in the Neothink Society. We are the ones to step up and start to make a difference. We have the tools and the people to do the work and show everyone else what to do and how to do it.

Vision for the Future

I am very grateful for being a part of this society for the past four months. I know that I don’t say anything on the calls, but one day I will be just like the other members stepping out and moving forward in speaking out and integrating out loud to other members. I can imagine continuing to be around your loved ones everyday healthy and happy. I lost my father when he was 55 years old and he died of a heart attack. I lost my husband when he was 31 years old to kidney cancer. So I became a widow at the age of 32 years old, with three small children. So I would have loved to have my children be able to know their father and have him spending time with them, going to basketball and baseball games. So looking in the future to what we can change together is being healthier and happier for ourselves in order to spread the love to live forever.
Ann W.

Vision 12

This call was a continuation of last week’s call on Vision 12. It was very sad and it also made me want to do something to change politics and government in this country. There are far too many people dying for us to ignore or accept this anymore. The AC has taken all the joy of life out of life for their own greed and selfishness. Too many elderly people are dying and too many young people are dying as well. I am slowly beginning to see the senseless death of far too many people. We here in the Society need to step up and take responsiblility and act now to start the TVP. There is no one else. Let’s make 2014 the beginning of the growth of the Neothink Society and the TVP.

Visions Call

Tonight’s call was three (3)hours long. It went from 9pm to midnight. I find to be particularly sad and at the same time uplifting. In order to see and feel a future without death, we first must experience death in the AC. The loss of life that does not need to happen is staggering. Today I spoke to a woman about a 90 year old man who recently died of a stroke. He did not want to die rather he wanted to continue to live even at the age of 90 years old. He is gone and will be missed by this woman. He was her bridge partner. Another example is a young woman who was very sick and in an automated wheelchair. She struggled every day and could never live a normal life. This did not stop her. She was happy and would have wanted to live longer. She was in her twenties. I think about her mother who has other children and she took care of her. This young woman’s life was a life of struggle. She could still be happy even though she was in an automated wheelchair. What would she and her mother have given for just one more day of life? That makes me think a lot. As I see the preciousness of life being ripped out of our lives, it makes me angry that it doesn’t have to be that way. I am now beginning to see just how wrong the politicians are and that government desperately needs to be changed! We as strong and healthy human beings need to take a long, hard look at ourselves and start fighting for the futre that we know can exist. I even think about my ex-husband’s death and I know that my daughter woudl give anything to have her father back even for just one more day. She graduated from high school without him and graduated college without him as well. The loss of all these lives is completely unneccessary and must be stopped. We have the responsibility to do what we can to end this insanity created by the politicians and government. It is time to step up and do something now. We are in the fortunate position to be in the Society where we can actually do something now to help bring it about. Happy New Year and let’s make the best of 2014 for each and everyone of us.

Vison 12

This vision is particularly sad. It is a very good reason to change the world and make all that sadness, pain, and death go and disappear out of our lives. Life is precious and we cannot forget that ever. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to be a part of what will be in the future.

Visions Call

Since I have started listening to these calls, I find myself able to see things in a more positive light. I am fortunate just like everyone else here in the Society to be able to have the information that can and will change this country and politics as we know it now. I talk to people and they think that it is hopeless. We here in the Neothink Society now better and we can affect change in every aspect in our lives. We have a wonderful opportunity opportunity to do something that will benefit everybody. It is such a good feeling to be in a place and with the people who will make the necessary changes and make the world a better place for everyone. Thank you for this opportunity Mark Hamilton and all the mentors for everything that all of you have already done.

Visions Call

I find myself being more positive as every week goes by listening to these calls. I used to think that things could never change. That negative thinking did not serve me at all! Every week, I find it easier to believe that the Twelve Visions Party can and will really happen. I talk to people about the politicians and they think that there is no way out of this mess that we are in today. I see myself as I was before and I know that if I can reach some of them or even one of them then there is progress. It is so easy to simply give up and I have felt this way many, many times. A better is out there waiting for all of us and we have to fight for it. I cannot stand by anymore and do nothing and just give up when I know that the Neothink Society has the only answer. I want that better world and I am willing now to do whatever I can to be a part of the change that is desperately needed. Thank you Mark Hamilton and all the other mentors for the opportunity.

School of Geniuses

This call is really valuable. We can learn so much every week. I have been listening to these calls since September. I cannot emphasise enough how important they are. I have made more progress in less than three months than I have made in 5 years in therapy weekly. I feel that I have gone as far as I can go there. I have reached a plateau. I now question the value of the therapy because I have made more progress in less than 3 months. I know that I will grow and grow and grow. This is not true of other programs out there. Thank you very much for everything. The thirty (30) dollars that I spend could definitely be much more. I say this again and again, these calls are well worth the money and much more. Do yourself a BIG favor and get on these calls for your own improvement and then the improvement of others. For me, this is the only place that I see this happening.

School of Geniuses

Listening to the School of Geniuses, I came to realize that my issues of not doing more comes from my fear of not feeling better about myself. I am fighting to just give in and push forward. There is so much information to learn and use on this call.