Sunday, March 9, 2025

My Realization

I have heard and read the 7 steps of the SLS several times. For some reason tonight, as the steps were recited, and the excerpt was read, images of every job I’ve ever had rushed into my mind.
I was constantly trying to learn more, move up, put things together. Every single rise-to-top chance I had stopped at the Store Manager, or Department Head. A couple of times I went farther than others, but never to manage the entire staff and building.
There was always someone more skilled at the use of politics than I was, I never wanted to be cut-throat type and my honesty was constantly used against me.
Then I remembered the 5 or so businesses I attempted, always someone else’s systems, ideas, ways of doing things. “Don’t make decisions, just do what we say.” And I could never see why it felt wrong, going against what I knew was right in my heart, and failing.
I still don’t know my FNE, but the feelings I get when participating in the calls is helping me get closer!

NYS TVP Treasurer


I enjoyed listening to the replay of the call. Early on in the call, Steve Fagan mentioned getting speakers together for the TVP. I think that is a major idea. We need to have people giving talks or speeches to the general public in order to help publicize our Neo-think and TVP message and to enlighten people about The Prime Law. I volunteered to be a speaker back in 2013 when the e-mail about the new plans for the NEC was sent out because I have been public speaking to large groups since I was 8 years old. I sent a couple of messages about my willingness to be a speaker and I was basically ignored. I feel that Steve Fagan’s integration on the need for speakers is vital. That is a great idea. Thank you. Charles R.

Apprentice:Step 1

This first meeting with you Mr. Hamilton and finally putting a face with my mentor was so enlighting. I have learned so much reading you Heirloom seris Books. I have always felt somewhere deep deep inside that something was so very wrong with the government, with people having to live with such bad diseases in this prosperous country, and so, so many people in poverty. I have told my husband and kids, brothers, parents, and they all told I was crazy. But, I just felt it. I hate listening to the news, even tonight after the meeting, caous with Isas,ect., but as you said, we only hear some of the facts. I listened intently, and can’t wait to continue to learn, grow; but most importantly to help others learn about the Neo-Think Society like my children and others. I would so love to have a congregation here in North Carolina so we all can grow and learn And help others.

Thank you again
Mr. Hamilton

Very Grateful

Mr Hamilton I am very surprised, but very grateful that I received this invitation. I so very much enjoyed this first meeting, I want to grasp, absorbe and take in all that you and all the higher members have to offer and teach me. You have so much to offer, teach, and mentor and I thank you for being my mentor.

FNE Workshop on Sat @1:00PM

Dear Jill &John,
I would like to get on the Web for the FNE Workshop this coming Sat. and would like to get the Web access code to follow along. My e-mail is

I am an active member for past couple of years. If you need to contact me my direct cell number is 770-597-9300.

Thanking you in advance.

Best Regards, Bill Ames


Hello Steve and Mack, I enjoyed the call tonight. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us all. I just want to leave my testimony for all those who have not yet absorbed all the information that they have been given to connect to their FNE, TVP, C of U, and the powerful infinite knowledge that is said to follow learning, and doing the literature, the clubhouses, the seminars, and the calls. I received my first letter in May of 2013. I have been absorbing the information and using it! I have seen the effects gain momentum as I apply the knowledge. I went to the miniday seminar in March.I gained valuable insights. Priceless. I also, gained a sincere validation that I wanted to use my FNE to assist bringing Neothink to the world. I was having difficulty trying to narrow the focus. The Seminar helped me to learn of some imminent needs to focus on finding solutions, yet in my mind I was thinking smaller and still having a hard time picking one focus. I had ideas flowing in like crazy. They were and are all great solutions to many areas. However, I went to my first clubhouse on April,12, 2014. The clubhouse was excellent. It helped me to find the one focus that I needed to focus on. On Sunday, April 12, 2014, I received the invention idea that will bring the financial influx for the TVP to bring the C of U to us all here and now. I was spending quality time with my children. Just loving them, the moment, and conversation.The idea came. I was excited cause I am an inventor. After I tucked my children in the vortex began. Unstoppable information. Specific to this idea to be used to move the TVP forward! The nitty gritty! The visions! The whole package of information. It is so invigorating I can not even explain. Before this revelation, I had four of the visions already working in my life. After this information came through I now have all twelve visions in my life! I’m so grateful! It came with and through love. It came with a member leading me where I was meant to go. It came with following all the guidance of Mark Hamilton’s literature, his mentor’s, and member’s. This is real folks! The only way you will experience it is by doing it and staying open. Even though we think we are thinking big like wealth, health, love, and fun we tend to not even begin to come close to what the universe wants to give us! We only limit and block ourselves. Believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in the Neothink literature, believe in the information you are being given. You responded to the first letter because you wanted to believe or because you knew that deep down you were not living the life you were meant to live! It’s all here! You deserve it! YOU CAN LIVE THE LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE!!!THE TVP WILL BRING THE C OF U TO THE PRESENT!!!Stay open to receive, it will come. SEEK and you shall find.
Thank you ALL, Tina Levesque


I would like to start a clubhouse in Dayton,Nevada. Iam a level 3 Seciet Society member [member number M002262213 Thank you for your time Mike Greene

Our Integrated Internet

The definition of Integration is:

“an act or instance of combining into an integral whole”.

The definition of Integrated Marketing is:

“Integrated Marketing Communication is a term that emerged in the late 20th century regarding application of consistent brand messaging across myriad marketing channels”.

Now some basic questions:
If you have a Affiliate Sales Page on the Internet, how will you market that?
What tools will you use? How will you integrate your sales across a completly integrated system of information sharing such as the Internet without a knowledge base, and the tools needed to implement your integrated marketing concept?

This, the practice of integrated thinking, integrating your business, and your sales across a world wide market of which the Internet is requires that an individual learn the tools and best practices from which to initiate and implement a business, and/or online marketing plan.

In the NT Literature we read that Mark Hamilton sees all of the areas of purpose that need to be performed and, more importantly, he sees that the completion of these areas of purpose are needed in order for the full integration of the business development goals to come to fruition.

At Profit In Successful Living you will find a wide variety of internet specific integrated tools that you can learn and use to promote the success of your affiliate marketing program.

You will also learn how to use these integrated online tools to bring in additional income sources.

A web platform is one way of doing this, internet marketing is another, blogging is another, YouTube Video Marketing is another, Understanding how to make your marketing techniques visible online is key to your success.

I have provided you with Step by Step Video Tutorials, and Marketing Specific Downloads that you can use to assist your marketing of your affiliate program.

Why do I have to become a member to access the Marketing Tools and Tutorials Page?

I wanted to offer this helpful information freely. If it is on an open web page then anyone can attempt to copy (replicate my work) and then transfer it so a site and charge a fee for that copied work.

So, enough said. Profit In Successful Living is growing with national and international members (25) to date. These are individuals that are integrating their lives by being aware that the technology of the future will be the jobs of the future, and originate from within the Mind.

Thank You,
Elaine Ray

An Integrated Internet

The definition of Integration is:

“an act or instance of combining into an integral whole”.

The definition of Integrated Marketing is:

“Integrated Marketing Communication is a term that emerged in the late 20th century regarding application of consistent brand messaging across myriad marketing channels”.

Now some basic questions:
If you have a Affiliate Sales Page on the Internet, how will you market that?
What tools will you use? How will you integrate your sales across a completly integrated system of information sharing such as the Internet without a knowledge base, and the tools needed to implement your integrated marketing concept?

This, the practice of integrated thinking, integrating your business, and your sales across a world wide market of which the Internet is requires that an individual learn the tools and best practices from which to initiate and implement a business, and/or online marketing plan.

In the NT Literature we read that Mark Hamilton sees all of the areas of purpose that need to be performed and, more importantly, he sees that the completion of these areas of purpose are needed in order for the full integration of the business development goals to come to fruition.

At Profit In Successful Living you will find a wide variety of internet specific integrated tools that you can learn and use to promote the success of your affiliate marketing program.

You will also learn how to use these integrated online tools to bring in additional income sources.

A web platform is one way of doing this, internet marketing is another, blogging is another, YouTube Video Marketing is another, Understanding how to make your marketing techniques visible online is key to your success.

I have provided you with Step by Step Video Tutorials, and Marketing Specific Downloads that you can use to assist your marketing of your affiliate program.

Why do I have to become a member to access the Marketing Tools and Tutorials Page?

I wanted to offer this helpful information freely. If it is on an open web page then anyone can attempt to copy (replicate my work) and then transfer it so a site and charge a fee for that copied work.

So, enough said. Profit In Successful Living is growing with national and international members (25) to date. These are individuals that are integrating their lives by being aware that the technology of the future will be the jobs of the future, and originate from within the Mind.

Thank You,
Elaine Ray

School of Geniuses

Today’s call was very informative. It shows just how important using all the information needed really is. Thank you.