Sunday, March 9, 2025

Loving Life

Some decades ago my mother was complaining that life and people had betrayed her and was upset by my being happy. “What right,”she said, “have you to be happy so long as I am miserable?” She added, “I have never known anyone who loves life as much as you do. It isn’t fair.” Her health was gone. She wanted me to accept her suffering as a claim on my joy. I could not do so. For that refusal she never forgave me.

Curing, America, is the only way for Americans, and getting to the C. of U. World we all want to Live In.

Hello dear Jill Reed and John Smerk:

I left my intergration for you but I posteded it on the wrong day. I posted it on neothinkFriday. I got involved with reading other posts and left my integration for you on the wrong day. Sorry about that I hope you can get a chance there and read my post that was meant for you. The title of the post is the same as above. Thanks you again so very much. Yours Truly;
MarkandSusan ES or Mark Escarcega.

Regulatory Strangulation of Business

Unregulated ideas, concepts, and businesses pose a potentially fatal threat to a ruling class, which moves as swiftly and ruthlessly as it can to attempt to suppress such *impudence.* A common would-be justification is to denounce it as *unfair* to less talented persons, or as detrimental to the peace and harmony of Society. The sole function of geniuses in that view is to serve Society in any manner the ruling class directs.

Snuffing Out the Flame

The Anticivilization hastens to snuff out the clear blue flame that naturally illuminates the minds of children. Children with such flames do not make good subjects for a ruling class. Such children are often warned against persisting in their *unique* behavior, lest they be at the very least discriminated against when they grow up.
Those who are dubbed *incorrigible* are
destroyed as object lessons to any others.
I know. I was so warned.

Vision 11 – Ride a Prosperity Wave to Riches!

Imagine a world where even the poorest have their needs met as opposed to a world where the poorest are suffering and are in need. Imagine our Seniors having a lifestyle like they had while they worked, or that our Seniors get out of the trap they were put in and are creating values in their lives again! Seniors add value to life just like youth, yet they oftentimes are left behind. Imagine a place where geniuses of all generations rise to the top! Imagine a world without force except for self-defense force against fraud, coercion or physical attack. Imagine, all the people… living a life of wealth! It’s possible in a Twelve Visions World. Poverty is linked to Politics, so, this new political dimension will stop poverty as we know it. It will be ended with the Prime Law, the 3000 Year Old Secret. Are you ready to help start the Wave?

Vision 10 09/08/2011

It was a very good teaching including references to Bill Gates, the development of the computer and how the inventors of new drugs are held back.
I am coming at it from a different point of view. Mark Hamilton and Kevin Trudeau have to be given credit for getting us to use and develop our brains, using the computer as simply a tool(computers,without protection, along with cell phones are starting to cause horrendous illnesses),using organic food and natural cures where possible. Drugs should be reviewed and used not to cure or treat everything. The quality of life is going to be very important.

Tuesday August 2nd ,2011

The difference between the last, my; first year of Neothink, and the New nightly Mentor calls is like ;going from trying to read a map in a state you’ve never been to…having fourteen nightly mentor Master Geniuss’ personal ONStar Assistants. Thanks

Regarding a lover and Weight control

Hello again dear Jill Reed and John Smrek:

You both have given us an excellent training today, thanks very much. You reminded me of the beautiful life I shared with my bleoved Susan and gave me the needed strength, the strength I need to carry on into the future in our behalf.

You both did such a great job of training here, that I feel that overflowing love that never ends again. It’s always there but when you bring it out. I feel right at home again. Just like I felt when coming home to my little family and my dearest Susan.

When I got home at late night to see Susan, or when we got to spend time together, which was lots and enough and then sometimes not enough. Well I must say, there is no greater joy in heaven or on this earth then spending that time with my Beloved Susan and I and too see her feeling and acting the same way.

I must say, the God-man within me out did myself more then I could ever have imagined. And because of you I can hold on to that love and family life forever as I propell myself into the future In behalf of Susan and I, for the sake of Susan and I.

If we look at things coming from the perspective of the C. of U., Life, love, peace and happiness are truly neverending and overflowing beyond our greatest dreams of love, life, peace and happiness come true. So coming from someone who lived those dreams come true beyond and scope of my imagination, most of my life, I can offer you exactly what that life is like.

Now’s the time for me too carry on that life and love, into the Neothink civilization of the Univeres. Thank you both so very much for keeping things up to date for all of us, as we go forth into the future of the Neothink word of real and true life, love, peace and happiness. Again thank you so very much Jill Reed, John Smerk, dearest Mark Hamilton, Families, Elders, and all Friends.
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain, MarkandSusan14 or Mark Escarcega

(My Intigration)

Hello Dearest Jill Reed and John Smrek:

I was one of the fortunet ones that was able to live my romantic dreams come ture, overflowing beyond my hopes and dreams and for most of my life. I just want to let everyone know that what Jill Reed and John Smrek is talking about is absolutly true. You can find and live all your romantic dreams come true. Only if you ever get the chance to live them, you will not be able to explain all the overflowing treasures of the greatest love of all, The love you share with your spouse.

There is so much overwellming love that you and your love one are the only ones who truly knows just how great love, live and romace with your spouce can be. If you ask me, There’s nothing more special in life then to share a beautiful life with someone you love.

Are big argument was (No, your the better half) We both were sure the other was the better half. After the argument all we could do was laugh. And it was a dream come true when Susan sung to me a song that said, (Now My Dreams Will Come True) I loved to hear that song for her. Can you guess the song?

Thank you so very much Jill Reed and John Smrek. You have touch the surface of what true romantic love can be for a couple who fall in love.

Again, Jill Reed, John Smrek, dearest Mark Hamilton, Families, Brothers and Sisters, Elders and all Friends. Thanks you all so very much for your friendship and help.
Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or MarkandSusan14 or Mark Escarcega

Tuesday Teachings

Thankyou for this teaching. It was put together perfect. I am feeling good.