Sunday, March 9, 2025

Visions Quest 12 Journey 12/27/11

On 12/27/11 we will wrap-up our study of the Visions. The 12 visions and the Self-Leader System can change your life. If you have been with us since we started in May, your life has moved ahead and your essence, to follow nothing, is being realized. If you have not joined us yet, we will begin anew with the Visions Prologue the 1st week of 2012. Come join us as our Twelve Visions Party ushers in 2012 – The Year of Love. What better way to ensure love prevails over stress than with the Prime Law of Protection. Mark Hamilton has taught us techniques to improver our lives (lift selves up) and the Twelve Visions Party movement will lift up entire societies. Come join us to understand why our Political Paradigm needs to happen to ensure your future that you are creating.

Self Leader System Lesson 5 – #s!!!

Oh how the creativity inside you is lost until you do the mathematics with that logical left side! We had a bunch of fun working in Lesson 5 this week. If you have followed along with us in the Self-Leader System found in the Visions Book, you are launching that very important Ongoing growth through numbers to tell you how you are doing the rest of your life, instead of having an external do that for you! Grow internally or forever let an external authority stop your growth! Get into the #s – become a hot little number to launch your personal success. Be a Charles Nash! Dig-in and just do it! Let is happen, don’t resist! Thanks for joining John Smrek and me on Tuesdays!

A Message Of Hope For One And For All Of Us; From Mark Escarcega; (My Integrations And Holly Comments, 11/08/2011)

Hello dearest Madam President Jill Reed, John Smrek, all Mentors all Families, Great Friends and are Pest:

The last answer is (The purpose of life it to prosper and live happily.

But there’s something wrong with that. When you look deep into it, it’s the same as saying (When in an Anti-Civilization, Do as the Anti-Civilization Does or When in Roam Do as the Romans Do.) If we ever want to see a Civilization of the Universe or our portion of a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us on Earth, We can’t live like that.

We must connect ourselves with the C. of U. world and bring it down to earth for each of us and for all of us. That means we must live as a C. of U. lives or a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us would live and bring it to the entire world around us and to our own personal lives.

This would mean: We must live a life of Service, Trade and exchange of Good and Values and our tools may or may not be money, but our gain of a beautiful life should not diminish, it should continue to grown in love, life, peace happiness, honor, respect, humanity and dignity, value and beauty for one and for all of us; in all ways. This is how we can all grow into a C. of U. on Earth or you may say, A Kingdome of Heaven, Bliss, Garden of Eden or a paradise on Earth as it is there. Anyway This Is How We Can All Work Together And Create That C. of U. on Earth. I can guarantee you that other way will never work, that’s for sure, and if you look deep enough you will see for yourself that the first way will not ever work, it has to be the Second way I mention for it to work. We cannot live honestly and do as the Anti-Civilization does to live; (THAT IT.)

Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Note: From Mark Escarcega Hello All Great Friends; ( My Integration and Comment.)

Hello Dear Madam Jill Reed and John Smrek and all Families, Friends and are pest.

Thank you so very much Madame Jill Reed and John Smrek. I just love this session of Questions and Answers, it helps me to write things down and learn better and improve my memory. This is a very important type of Session because of that, for us. Thank both of you so very much again. Mark Escarcega



Hello All, From Mark Escarcega. (My Integration and Comment:)

Hello Dearest Madam President Jill Reed and John Smrek:

A question was asked:

Who are the first to Evolve into Neothink?
I think we all came up a little short in answering that question. I believe the answer should have been, (TVP-Team.) or the (Neothink Society of Secrets.) Thank you for this nights special training and all other trainings, they are truly meant for a school becoming geniuses.
Mark Escarcega

A TVP Integration…

1. This is the first time in history America has voted in an african american president.

2. There are already radical groups forming such as “occupy wallstreet”, and others in my area. They are threatening “Businesses.” Business owners who’s only agenda is to produce values abd jobs for the community. Business owners who are only trying to provide the best for their children, their families, and for their “Employees.”

3. I DO NOT recommend attending their rallys. However, these fearful business owners whom they are attacking, would be glad to know someone is on their side. After the value destroyers rallys, I believe it would be our duty as “GD-men and GD-women”, to make sure business owners in the area of these rallys, receive some illuminating invitations from neothink society members. Members, who could direct them to a local clubhouse, and give them a sigh of relief in knowing the Twelve Visions Party is on their side. We are about creating values…so are they…the business owners under attack.

Just an integration/suggestion to members/clubhouse coordinators to “Reach Out!”

Much love to all

Mark Escarcega 10/4/2011 (My Integration and Comment on; Big Dreams)

Hello Madam President Jill Reed and Mentor Mate John Smrek:

I have to believe that a Key to bring your big dreams about is just living them as much as possible and working them the same. Then when you fail to complete tasks because you have big dream requirements and you feel you just can’t make it anymore, just remember the great Mentors that went before us failed but never gave up. Some even failed 1,000’s of times, yet still never gave up and accomplished their goals.

Tonight’s Mentor Training was very great for us, it challenged our minds. But it also let me know that I really need to know so much yet. I was overwhelmed and I do just get so exhausted I really want to just give up. But I can’t there’s no other door. All I can say at this point is, I’m doing what I can. I believe that if we never give up we never fail, just as Michael Burns reminded me.

Thank you Dearest Madam Jill Reed and Mentor Mate John Smrek;
Mark Escarcega

Mark Escarcega, Very short Note: ( My Integration and Comment.)

Hello dear Madam President Jill Reed and John Smrek, All Families, Friends and are Pets:

Just a reminder: We of all people should not have a point where we give up on life and advancing technologies nor should we ever have a resolve to give up on the pursuit of life and life eternal for one and for all peoples and human life and humanity.

We representing the Neothink Society and the C. of U. world, of all peoples we are suppose to be representing the way to eternal life, peace, beauty and happiness for all and forever. Not a one of us, let alone a group of us should back down or ever give up on Life a Beautiful Future and Life Eternal for one and for all of us.

Sincerely your; Mark Escarcega

Hello All, It’s Mark Escarcega, Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry or Perfect, I Hope You All Enjoy The Weather Today. (My Intergrations and Comments For All Of You.)

Hello Dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett, All Families, Friends And Are Dear Pets:

Just want to say, that over the many centuries, due to man’s unconscious state, this has been the cause of our Ageing. It’s really none of our fault or all or are fault, that doesn’t matter at this point. I really believe that we are not living long lives because we have been continuously fouling up or atmosphere and are environment on Earth.

So, we all, Politicians and none Politicians, and all peoples on this Earth that can help, we all need to focus a major part of our attention on fixing the problems. There are right ways to fix things and there are wrong ways to fix things, we all have to work together to fix things the right way. And there is not just one way to do it. There is multiple ways to support each other and get things fixed right.

We may live hundreds of years longer just be cleaning our environment and atmosphere. (I really believe we can,) but it will take all of us working together for solutions and creative inventions to fix all the problems right. For instance, we can take all those dirty toxins and nuclear waste products, create a sturdy space ship and continually send all that waste to It’s total end, by sending it past Pluto and destroying it permanently. That’s something we can all do.

If we plan to live longer, this should be a main part of all of our focus and attention. To let you all know, I’m doing something every day to get this ball rolling right. Every day that I catch the buses, I pick up the totally used up cigarette buts and any trash I can from the gutter and surrounding bus stop area and put it in the trash where it belongs. (It’s all right that I do that. The Bus companies want the help.)

Then all those wonderful people who want to take about what I’m doing, I let them know my thought about sending the toxins out of here past Pluto where they can be completely destroyed. Just to let you know, people love to talk about these things and it seems they can’t thank me enough for what I’m doing. Heck, I just love to hear their grateful responses.

Well, you all enjoy the beautiful day if you can, I hope so. We love you all so very much and all God-man Speed and Action to all of you, as we blast into the future together with Strength, Love, Live, Peace, Happiness and Life Eternal,
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega