Sunday, March 9, 2025

From Old To New

Steve R. you brought back memories of when I use to do construction. By my not knowing what I know now put me in a position to get intergrated with more knowledge to know what to do when I get back to walking. If not for my situation to indulge myself into becom- ing the litature I would probably be still in my same frame of my.

Another thing Steve when I had my accident that left me with a snapped neck in three diffrent parts of my neck, and a hole in my head. D.O.A. brother they pronouced me, and after witinessing what I saw with my own two eyes. I said that their was no God as Larry Flynd did and I’m in no hurry to return. Preachers tried to get me to tell lies to peoples about what God has done for me. This litature saved my new life as I was a baby being raised upon the right foods to grow healty,and strong. And not being raised up by the neocheating, and minipilization of the church. To end this by saying. This liti-‘ture’ showed me who I Am, and whom I am supposed to be. Thank to all that pushes the team of neothinks of moving forward from a stagging life to a free intiprize life. Thanks


Jill I applode you for all of the hard work that you are doing to make this a better nation once, and for all. I’m the one that choose to say ‘I AM’, and believe in it,,,,,,,,,, Thank you for all the beautiful words of encourging self to intergrate into a new being. I am so thankful for being alive. Thank you ladies-n-gentlemens for showing me the life I’m suppose to live. The opportunity of meeting u kayla love watching your shows on youtube. Now that you know my situation. I know u knowwhy I speak the way I do. Thanks

Need Help

I’m really enjoyed the program tonightand would have liked to participate more.
The only prpblem is that I cannot find the booh that has the 7 entegrations section.
I have several of the Main Books and have not nbeen able to find them.
Could you help me?
I have only been on the mentor calls for 3 weeks. I am sure that I Have all of the information, but cannot locate the Information.
Thank You very much.

Shine On

Listening to these presebtations is invigorating and absolutely life changing. The valuable information from the Visions Literature is actually coming to life as we leap forward into the next dimension of human conscioussness. I am very proud of Jill for her accomplishments and forward movement bringing us all closer to the C of U and the usurping of political control. Doing what we love and creating values for others comes naturally to those who have contacted their child of the past and come out to play. The world of Neothink is so beautiful and so are you guys (and gals.)

Goose bumps

I missed the live call so I listen to the recording when I had an extra hour. This recording was so good it gave me Goose bumps. I felt so happy I could listen to the recording because I realy did not want to miss this call of great value. Thank you!

With our Knowledge

This is great! With our knowledge we are the ones building our super-society. I enjoy these calls. Thank you.

Open mind call.

Tuesday Call by Jill Reed and John Smrek, this is an open mind call, Twelve Vision to Curing Aging and dead – depoliticizing civilization and replacing the burden of life with the exhilaration for life.
These Neothink® call give us super-society stimulation will wipe out the destructive force of nature, including external authorities and governments.
Thank you for help me to build my knowledge, great mentors.

A Hundred Million

I already feel safe knowing a hundred million geniuses is about to rise up and take care of us. In todays world people can hardy get out of bed to go to work. They are stressed out about life. They are bored and very depressed. In tomarrow’s world people will jump out of bed feeling exhilarated! I can hardy wait to see happy people everywhere I go. I love knowing the world is about to change!

Full of life!

These calls are great. They are full of life! I am getting a lot out of these calls. Thank you.

active neothink member

Tuesday nights call was real great. The subject that was discussed was very interesting and inspiring. Thanks.